The Department of Mathematics leads the training process in the subjects of Mathematics, Geometry, Statistics and Physics, from preschool to eleventh grade. It is made up of a comprehensive team of teachers, specialists in each of these areas, committed to promoting the development of skills and logical-mathematical thinking, guiding them in the search for excellence and the fulfillment of their dreams.
What do we do?
The Department designs, executes, evaluates and adapts the curriculum of the subjects; To expand it beyond the national curricular references, international and innovative methodologies are worked on, accompanied by the use of didactic materials and technological tools.
In the Department of Mathematics we seek that students not only get involved in their learning process, but also become protagonists of significant experiences that allow them to acquire genuine learning. As a result of these efforts, our academic events arise, as well as the project space in all grades and subjects.

In the preschool and primary sections, the Singapore Model is used to promote the passage from the concrete to the abstract, while in high school the process of articulation with the IB Diploma Program begins.
In accordance with the provisions of the national regulatory framework and the Diploma Program, the basic skills associated with the five types of thinking are structured. The numerical and variational thinking and the problem-solving competence are developed as the articulating axes that allow the acquisition and development of the other competences.

The objective of physics is to guide the students’ process through the understanding, management and application of the fundamental concepts, principles and theories of this science. Students acquire the skills to understand and apply the scientific method with a critical and analytical mindset, with the purpose of modeling and solving problems, not only of physical interest, but also in other fields related to science and engineering.

Geometry favors the development of geometric and metric thoughts through the design and implementation of innovative tasks, that allow students to acquire the ability to generate proofs.

Statistics develops random thinking by generating links between the tools provided by this subject and the real contexts in which students interpret and analyze data to make decisions and solve problems.
The Department’s results are visible in the participation of students in the Mathematics and Physics Olympiads.
- Math and Physics Olympiads
- Creativity marathon
- Congress of Applied Statistics
What are we working on?
Grupo la Preuve
El grupo La Preuve del Gimnasio Vermont inició sus actividades en agosto de 2018 y está conformado por docentes con experiencia en la enseñanza de la geometría de grados octavo y noveno. A partir de una serie de reflexiones acerca del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la geometría, focalizadas en las dificultades que presentaban los estudiantes frente a la actividad demostrativa. Por esta razón, se diseñó un espacio de discusión en el que se realizaron revisiones teóricas y se diseñaron e implementaron actividades que contribuyeron a encontrar posibles respuestas a estas dificultades.
El enfoque de educación STEAM -articulación de las ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería, artes y matemáticas-, fomenta en los estudiantes habilidades del siglo XXI como el pensamiento crítico, creatividad, resolución de problemas, habilidades del pensamiento sistémico, colaboración y comunicación, entre otros.