What does Gimnasio Vermont sound like?

Like sounds of the future with rhythms of yesterday and today; like culture, like magic, like exploration, like big dreams and like creativity.
What allows us to sound like this?
From PreK to eleventh grade, our boys, girls and young students have the opportunity to explore and learn about their own sounds and those of the world. In preschool they start tackling the musical language, the voice as the first instrument, the recorder and the Orff approach; They play, have fun, sing, learn about the sounds of classical music and traditional Colombian music.
Then, in the first and second grade, they explore other instruments with new sounds, which will open up a new musical universe for them. From third to eighth grade they begin their orchestral training, without neglecting research, theory and innovation. Finally, from ninth to eleventh grade, from various ensembles (jazz, rock, Latin jazz, vocal and chamber) they perform world music in which their ideas and feelings become sound, magic and expression.
This is how it sounds:
Our preschool choir
Among glissandos, legatos and songs from various cultures, preschool children discover their singing voice.
Our primary choir
Our primary school boys and girls discover how their voice sounds and how it becomes one with that of their classmates.
Our orchestra
From third to eighth grade, each student makes the sound of woodwinds, strings, brass and drumheads their own.
Our rock bands
The electric sounds of guitars, basses, keyboards and microphones become our students’ favorite music.
Our wind band
The wind, through wood and metal, carries the sounds of tradition and culture.
These are our sounds:
Our arts festivals
The stage is illuminated with the colors of the sets, costumes and choreography. Also with music that, in tune with movement and color, bring to life all the stories we have to tell. Thus, the music embodies a multiplicity of stories: the legend of two loves from ancient China, the four elements that give life to the earth, the Cinderella waltz, the sounds of Colombia and many more stories.
In 2015, in “A bridge of Magpies”, we sounded like China
In 2016, in “Pena Andaluza” we sounded like Spain16
In 2017, in “MamaQuilla and the six elements” we sounded like fire, earth, wind, metal, air and wood
In 2018 we sounded like “Colombia today”
In 2020, in “Cinderella”, we sounded like Waltz and love songs
The UNCOLI Festivals are the perfect opportunity to dialogue with students from other schools through sound . As a community we learn that music identifies us and that it allows us to share experiences with people who, although we don’t know much, open their hearts to us and share their talent with us.
At Saint George’s School, in 2016, with the orchestra we sounded like merengue.
In 2014, at MaryMount School, we sounded like our land, interpreting Amo Esta Tierra by Composer Leonardo la Verde.
In 2019, the preschool choir sounded as a united voice at the Campo Alegre school.
This is what Gimnasio Vermont sounds like to our community
“El Gimnasio Vermont suena a comunidad”
Carlos Díaz, music teacher at Gimnasio Vermont.
“El Gimnasio Vermont suena a aprendizaje”
Mariana Ortiz, student at Gimnasio Vermont.
“El Gimnasio Vermont suena a la brisa pasar y el murmullo de las horas de los árboles, suena a tranquilidad”
María Carolina Kamman, History teacher at Gimnasio Vermont.
“El Gimnasio Vermont suena a amistad”
Alejandro Arroyo, music teacher at Gimnasio Vermont..
“El Gimnasio Vermont suena a naturaleza”
Sofia Tamayo, student at Gimnasio Vermont.
“El Gimnasio Vermont suena a herramientas y buenos recuerdos”
William Valbuena, General Service Officer at Gimnasio Vermont.
“El Gimnasio Vermont suena a alegría y sonrisas”
Stefanie Arroyo, Assistant of the Department of Music at Gimnasio Vermont.
“El Gimnasio Vermont suena a aves cantando”
Néstor Galindo, Biology professor at Gimnasio Vermont.
“El Gimnasio Vermont suena a risas y clarinetes”
Esteban Garzón, Mathematics teacher at Gimnasio Vermont.